We appreciate your interest in Bethel AME-Iowa City. Since 1868, we have welcomed all those who were searching for God. We continue that practice today. Whether young or old, black or white, rich or poor, you can be at home in our fellowship. We hope to see you soon.
Below, we answer some of our Frequently Asked Questions:
A. What time does service start?
Worship commences at 11:00AM.
B. Where can I park?
You can park in the marked spaces behind the church. In addition, on Sundays, you can park on the side of Governor Street that is closest to our building.
C. What is appropriate to wear?
Our attendees wear everything from suits and dresses to jeans and t-shirts. Because the outfits span a wide range, everyone should dress to feel comfortable.
D. How long is the service?
The length varies; however, we usually conclude morning service around 12PM.
E. What type of music should I expect?
Our service features hymns and contemporary tunes. From “Blessed Assurance” to “Grateful,” we embrace songs that make a joyful noise unto the Lord.
F. Do you have a Sunday School?
We are working to get our Sunday School back after COVID.
G. Do you offer Bible Study?
Yes. Our Bible Study meets at 6:00PM on Wednesdays. Email us to find out more worship.bethelic@gmail.com
H. Do you have activities for youth?
Since COVID started we did halt our Youth Activities. The plan is to get this back on track.
I. Do you have a nursery?